Tuesday, December 21, 2010

F5 1011 1st Term Revision Exercise P.1-2 (M2) Solution

#6(a) V = (s/6)^(3/2)

#14(b) Only the 2 min pts should be given as answers. [ The 2 pts of inflexion are used for sketching the graph. ]

#15(a) a = 1, b = -3
#15(b) min (2, -4), max (0, 0), inflexion (1, -2)

#16(a) min (1, -1), max (2, -26), inflexion (-0.5, f(-0.5))

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Application of Differentiation -- CE Questions

A. Maths. 1994

A. Maths 1995

A. Maths 1988

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Linear Programming Solution

Please note that there is mistake in the answer of question 1(a) :

Min values = 4(-1) - 2 = -6

Monday, June 14, 2010

Past A. M. Exam Paper Solution

4F 同學請核對做法。

來不及做的,也姑且仔細翻閱。對應付 M2 之考試或不無幫助。


標題 ‘0304 Final Exam’ 的一份試題真正來源不明。